Sunday, January 25, 2009


Some of the world famous leaders & organisations are found with certain symbols. When went deep into it, it revealed something else..

HILLARY CLINTON WEARS Phoenix Bird PIN used by the "Masters of the Illuminati".
Phoenix Bird is carrying a ball, we know that the ball represents our world. Notice that pagans have used this symbol before, with the Phoenix Bird having two worlds beneath its wings [taken from Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols]. This lapel pin has the Phoenix Bird carrying the entire world in its clinched talons, signifying that it has captured the world. The phoenix also represents 'rebirth from destruction', or 'order from chaos'.
On June 23rd, 1996 the news broke out that Hillary Clinton was involved in conversations with the dead in the Whitehouse solarium. Hillary denied occultist activity and called her conversations with the deceased Eleanor Roosevelt and Mohandas K. Gandhi "mental exercises!"

One of the symbols used to represent the philosophy of "rebirth from death" is the phoenix, and is a favourite symbol of these "illuminated" cultists.
Arnold Schwarzenegger on June 2007 edition of Time magazine wears 'skull and bones' belt. Skull and bones logo to the left of 322 is taken directly from Nazi military uniform.
Skull and bones members, like all secret societies before them, are said to seek the "tree of life" by which to restore man's lost immortality. This knowledge is widely believed, by bonesmen, to be held in the secrets of the DNA, and by way of cloning so as to avoid death and judgement.
The symbol of the Council of Foreign Relations is the false Christ [or Anti-christ] riding the first horse [white] of the apocalypse found in the book of Revelation. The figure is even depicted giving the 'Roman Salute' which was later copied by the Nazis.
Under the horse in the CFR's logo is the word "VBIQVE" - a Latin word found on ancient Roman coins meaning "Everywhere." Its English form is UBIQUE - the root word in English for "ubiquitous" which means: everywhere at the same time; omnipresent.
Notable members of the CFR include Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani.
Shockingly these are the symbols used by organisations that eye the domination of world
Note: The Masonic Motto: ORDO AB CHAO means Order out of Chaos.
It took two years to prepare the site for construction of the World Trade Center towers. On August 6 1968 steel construction officially began, and 33 years 36 days later the towers were destroyed. The number 36 is representative of the number 666 in numerology. If we add each number from 1 to 36 the total is 666. The number 36 is also the number of degrees in the five sided pentagram, which is a venerated symbol of the Illuminati & other masonic wings.

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