Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Freemason - The Secret Society

The FREEMASON is regarded as the largest secret society. Many believe its directly involved in controlling, manipulating and directing the world’s leaders to develop a New World Order. Also known as The Craft, it has long been thought to be one of the most powerful organizations in history causing revolution, war, and laying the foundation for total and complete world domination.
Some say Freemasonry began in Biblical times, responsible for building King Solomon’s Temple. These stone masons were highly trained craftsmen who built the castles and cathedrals throughout all of Europe. Regarded as magicians for their wonderful craftsmanship, these men formed the Freemasons in order to guard their secrets and keep their status sacred. With their secret handshakes and rituals, the group continued to grow outside the masonry and attracted wealthy aristocrats and over time became a worldwide group of powerful and influential men. On the other hand, many people claim that the Freemasons have their roots in Paganism and are actually a demonic cult that aims to control the world’s governments, economies, and all of society.
Many of the secret symbols of the Freemasons can be seen in the center of American politics and economy. The three major symbols of the Freemasons are the Compass, the Mason’s square, and the Pentagram.
Design of the Cities
Many of these symbols can be seen in the layout of the streets of Washington, D.C. The man responsible for laying out the planning of the city was a member of the Freemasons and many believe he hid these symbols in the roads and significant buildings of the city that can only be seen through satellite imagery. The compass can be seen in the main drag that connects the White House, the U.S. Capitol, and the Jefferson Memorial. Most significantly is the perfectly formed five-pointed inverted star of the pentagram that places its bottom point right at the bottom tip of the compass. According to some, the pentagram points downward as a rebellion against the Holy Trinity and symbolizes the goat, or Lucifer. The location of the bottom point is meant to represent where the Spirit of Satan dwells, which in the city plans of Washington, D.C. is exactly located at The White House!
Another interesting fact of location in the city plans is a line of site that connects the Washington Monument with the Freemason’s Supreme Council 33ยบ Temple. This line, if drawn from point-to-point goes directly through the center of the pentagram from top to bottom. Then, another line from the Lincoln Memorial to the U.S. Capitol can be drawn which perfectly crosses through the Temple/Monument base point to form a perfect t-square.
Many American leaders have been card carrying members of the Freemasons. From George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman and J. Edgar Hoover, the Freemasons have been holding prominent positions throughout our history. Nine members of the Freemasons signed the Declaration of Independence, 13 members signed the Constitution, and 15 members have become U.S. Presidents. The Freemasons have also been connected to many important, world altering events, such as the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Boston Tea Party, and World War II.

The above is a trim from an episode of National Geographic.
Quite interesting !! Isnt it ??? It all could be a cook of the conspiracy theorists. But... No smoke without Fire !!

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